Take a Formatted User Input in Golang (Extract Data)
Oh we know the input format and we want to extract data from some exact position of that, Scanf from fmt package will help us:… Read More »Take a Formatted User Input in Golang (Extract Data)
Oh we know the input format and we want to extract data from some exact position of that, Scanf from fmt package will help us:… Read More »Take a Formatted User Input in Golang (Extract Data)
You need to accept multiple inputs (with different types) from a user and all of them are in one line! Scanln from the fmt package… Read More »Go: How to Take Multiple User Inputs From One Line
Ok, we want to accept input from the user for example from the command line (terminal). Our friend, the fmt package is with us! Scanln… Read More »Read User Input From Terminal (Stdin) In Golang